Manufacturing our videos and images has been happening for years and we see all these celebrities and celebrities wannabes alter their pictures so much they become unrecognisable. Filming companies where then able to recreate faces of other peoples and place them on other actors for certain reasons like an unexpected death. For example when Paul Walker died they were just wrapping up the film Fast and Furious 8 in which Walker played a leading role and since they wanted to wrap the filming up and pay respect to the late Paul Walker, they had has brother come in and apply Paul’s face through post-production editing.

Nowadays, this idea of being able to make yourself anyone you want was once an exciting and new idea but now we see people in power using it for more despicable reasons. For example a video arose of the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy seemingly saying to his soldiers to put down their weapons and surrender to Russia and this quickly circulated around the internet causing a lot of fear and anger within people. However, once the government officials in Ukraine caught wind of this video they immediately shut it down and had it debunked as a fake video. The video is extremely lifelike and if the government hadn’t had the video debunked it would have been believed worldwide. This shows how technology can be used to create problems and instil fear into everyday people. The fear that people who hold a lot of power being able to make themselves appear anywhere or criminals being able to hide their identities brings a whole new fear to the idea of being able to edit yourself.

We see the issues that these manufactured fictions can cause, by looking at social media and being surrounded by edited model pictures, Kardashion pictures, unrealistic filters and in return we see how this affects the younger generation and as well as ourselves. This damages our self-esteem and confidence, making us think we are not perfect or pretty and this is detrimental to our mental health. Companies are now creating movements encouraging natural beauty and showing the effects that this manufactured fictions have on us and the lengths people go for the perfect picture.