This group critique was about our travel app project and Paul asked us to place our designs into a miro board in which we could look at everyones designs and leave them comments on their work on what we we liked about it and helpful feedback too. I wasn’t overly happy with my designs but I wanted feedback on the design elements such as colour and and sizing of my icons and any other feedback that would help improve my screens.

Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 18.22.29.png

Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 18.22.56.png

Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 18.23.33.png

The images above are what I posted on the miro board and Paul as well as my clsssmates loved my travel app idea of traveling to different paranormal locations and that was a great thing to hear as I was worried that maybe it doesn’t fit the brief exactly but hearing these comments discarded my worries. I had my classmates give positive comments on my icons and how they were easy to understand and looked good and they really liked my illustration of the skeleton and said that I should include him throughout the app and not just on the loading page. In terms of criticism it was what I was expecting, just explaining that I should try other colour schemes which I completely agree with and to explore other app screen ideas, especially one with the brands logo.

Some of the comments I received on my miro board

Some of the comments I received on my miro board

Overall, I found this group critique very helpful and not only did I receive good feedback from m classmates but also Paul who gave me a mix of positive comments and helpful criticism. I find these group critiques very helpful as it is always good to have a different perspective of your work.